Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable:

♦ Maintain comprehensive vendor information including mult period activity history, hold payment options and 1099's.

♦  Quickly produce cash requirements and aged payable reports including vendor discount information.
♦  Easily manage computer generated, void, and manual checks.   Select computer generated checks for
vendors, by vendor type or individually.
♦  Effortlessly reconcile checks by bank statement date and flag un-reconciled checks for additional examination.  
♦  Multiple checks and balances ensure data integrity.  Audit trails and activity reports allow verification
before posting to the General Ledger.

♦  Automatic audit trails forced before purge.
♦  Automatic due date, discount amount, and discount and due date calculations with override option.
♦  Automatic tracking of vendor totals, last activity dates.
♦  Batch Processing.
♦  Cash requirements report offers multiple user-defined aging dates.
♦  Check reconciliation by bank statement date allows the report to match the statement.
♦  Computer generated, void, manual checks.
♦  Control of General Ledger posting in batch summary amount.
♦  Creates 1099's .
♦  Direct check printing.
♦  Extensive vendor history inquiry.
♦  Flexible payment selection controls vendor payments..
♦  Handles default payments, discount terms.
♦  Indefinite storage of cleared checks available.
♦  Minimum order amount added to vendor master file.
♦  Multiple A/P, cash accounts, and checking accounts.
♦  Multiple trade accounts associated with each vendor.
♦  On-line inquiry of vendorís open items and history.
♦  Preset G/L distribution codes by vendor.
♦  Printing multiple 'One-Time' vendor checks.
♦  Recurring A/P invoices - entry, listing, update to Data Entry.
♦  Recurring invoices create current invoices by date chosen.
♦  Second phone number added, and extension numbers for phone number.
♦  Unlimited partial payments on any invoice.

♦  A/P Cash Requirements Report.
♦  A/P Check Print.
♦  A/P Check Register.
♦  A/P Manual Check Register.
♦  A/P Pre-Check Register with posting detail.
♦  A/P Trial Balance.
♦  Aged Payable Report with 30, 60, 90+ days.
♦  Check Reconciliation File Listing open and reconciled items with totals.
♦  Daily A/P Activity Reports.
♦  Payments G/L Detail Report.
♦  Vendor File Listing.
♦  Vendor File Listing with Balances & Terms.
♦  Void Check Register.